Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My purpose..

Once Richard Bach said..."I gave my life to become the person I am right now. Was it worth it? ". I don't know whether it was worth it.

Sometimes....a situation arises..proving the entire futility of my existence..raising a question in my there a purpose of my being alive? Lucky enough to be loved..but am I really needed? Just a thought,which keeps coming back to me....and an answer, which I'm in search of...
Just a stimulus...which I'm in need make me realize the purpose of my existence...

Someday, there will be a new morning...
Someday there will be new horizons..
Someday there will be a new me...

A day will come...which will prove me worthwhile..
A day which I'm still waiting for..
A day when I wake up and say to myself...This is what I want to do..
This is what I'm going to do..and this is what I'm meant for..

A day will be there..when there will be no inhibitions..
in being myself
A day will be there...when there will be no doubts...
about my identity
A day will be there...when I'll be needed...
A day when I'll find my purpose...

Someday, there will be a new morning...
Someday there will be new horizons...
Someday there will be a new me...

A day will come...
Will that day come??

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Women’s Day to All!!

Okay!! So we’re happy here wishing each other a very “Happy” Women’s day, celebrating our womanhood and the tremendous change which the status of Indian women has undergone in the past century!! BUT,

Here we should stop and ask ourselves, is it really a celebration of our strength? After all, don’t we realize that we still need a “WOMEN’S DAY” to make our presence felt? If all the liberated urban Indian Women ask ourselves these questions – “How many times in our lives have we taken an important decision of our lives without facing some opposition? How many of us are free to decide on our own without facing any opposition when it comes to career, hobbies, friends, life-partner, marriage, and lifestyle? In fact, how many of us are free to take simple decisions of our lives like “What to wear, whom to meet, where to work, where to go, and when to go?” How many of us who have chosen to follow their dreams have not been termed as “SELFISH”? How many if us who are truly-deserving career-women are cast-off because we are WOMEN, and thus expected to be Dim-witted and Weak, and bound to give a poorer performance? How many of us are expected to give in to the vested interests of our male counterparts? How many of us really feel “SAFE” in this big bad world? How many of us who are successful are assumed to have used our sexuality as a means to step ahead? How many have to hide our real selves from our families and fear voicing our true opinions just so that we aren’t termed outrageous? How many of us have the privilege to make our own mistakes and learn from them? And how many of us really speak up for ourselves, just so that we don’t disturb the prevailing peace around us? ”

Each one of us should ask ourselves these questions, and we shall know at which end of freedom we stand. True, that the women of today has come a long way, from the “Purdah system” to having a woman President for our country!! But is this sea of change a change enough? And is this change for all the women of the country, of this earth? It is true that some of us have been more fortunate than the rest, but have we been truly liberated from the shackles of confinement we were born with?

We all want to fly uninhibitedly. We all want to be free. Unless we find ourselves the answers to these questions and take the responsibility to free ourselves and others from the fetters of regulations and conventions which had been thrust upon us even before we were born, we can’t call ourselves the modern free-thinking women!! We can’t be liberated in the true sense unless we are left with no fears in our hearts, no shadows of doubts, and no inhibitions. And unless we join hands and decide to lend a helping and guiding hand to each and every woman in need around us we can’t expect to see a change in the attitude of this world toward us. Let us all pledge today to accomplish our bit in changing the way this world views us, and to fulfill our role making this world a better and easier place to live in for the present and future generations of women.

So that one fine day, we won't need to put aside one single day to celebrate our strength, and each day would be WOMEN'S DAY!!